Vaughan Chabad Flamingo Bar Mitzvah ceremony Nicolas
Vaughan Chabad Flamingo Bar Mitzvah ceremony Nicolas. Mazel Tov Nicolas and his family for an amazing Torah reading.
Vaughan Chabad Flamingo Bar Mitzvah ceremony Nicolas. Mazel Tov Nicolas and his family for an amazing Torah reading.
Chabad Thornhill Woods Bar Mitzvah ceremony Ethan Mazel Tov to Ethan with his amazing Torah reading (Aliya la’tora) this morning, and to the whole Polonski family. Thank you also to Chabad Thornhill Woods and Rabbi Chaim Hildesheim for great preparation of our Bar Mitzvah Man – Ethan. Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov Mazel Tov and please enjoy…
Bar Mitzvah Toronto photo session Mazel Tov to Ethan and his Family with his upcoming Bar Mitzvah.